The Opposite

Zig rather than zag.

When you're feeling stuck on making progress against objectives, it can be useful to think about taking the opposite approach.

Identifying what would actually move you further away from your goal may be helpful in zeroing in on where you should focus your efforts.

A few examples:

If your actual goal is trying to decrease the bounce rate on a website, think about what factors might actually increase bounce rate. Perhaps slowing down the load time would drive bounce rate up. With that in mind, it might help narrow your focus on actually decreasing load time.

If your actual goal is to increase social followers, think about what you could do to drive followers away. Perhaps posting content that is really broad and not directly helpful to your audience might lead them to unfollow you. With that in mind, you might realize that narrowing your content and playing to your niche of followers would lead to more people within your niche following your account.

This technique isn't earth-shattering, but spinning the goal on it's head and asking how you could make progress away from your goal is useful in bringing forth clarity of where to focus and new ideas of how to step forward.

So what actions could you take that would move you in the opposite direction? Start there.

Thanks for spending time with me in my workshop,



The Threshold


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