Margin in MARCOMs
Why not jamming your communications with info is better.
My last post was about Margin - but specifically the concept around adding to and/or ensuring proper Margin with your work and your life. I'll continue the discussion with a lens on Margin within MARCOMs as it applies here as well.
If you accept the premise of my previous post that humans need Margin - then it follows that customers, as humans, also need Margin.
Yet often times, when developing MARCOMs, we can find ourselves jamming as many communication points as possible in marketing material before sending along to our audiences.
It's the email you create to communicate a new product from your brand, but find yourself adding a tile at the bottom to raise awareness of your existing products in addition to adding another tile to drive referrals.
It's the social content you post with the primary purpose of announcing a sale, but you end up writing a paragraph of caption copy plussing up your quality and returns program.
It's the direct mail piece you drop that covers 3 different topics on 3 separate panels because direct mail is expensive and you want to communicate a lot on a single piece.
All of these examples are well-intentioned and easy to reason your way to moving them forward.
But all of these examples remove Margin for your audience. And the lack of margin dilutes the primary item you're looking to communicate.
So ask yourself:
-Am I asking my MARCOMs to communicate too much?
-How can I introduce Margin around the primary communication point?
-Would my audience respond better to a singular message with Margin than a list of messages without?
Thanks for spending time with me in my workshop,